Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Joyce Hicks Workshop

Watercolor East Texas Workshop

At the last week of July I attended Joyce Hicks  workshop at SFA in  Nacogdoches.  You could not want a nicer group of artists than those at Watercolor East Texas, and I really enjoyed  Joyce's workshop.  I wanted to see her techniques because she works from her imagination.  There was no big insight on how she works, other than applying the elements and principles of design to her work.  Also, I now am a master of using a pallet knife in my watercolors.

The first painting is more overworked than  it should be.  It is a combination of ideas from different photographs.  I really did not master this in her technique.  I then painted two plein aire paintings from the great botanical gardens at SFA.  The third painting is my favorite from this workshop and the most successful in my opinion. 

Mountian Valley, Watercolor
Along the Way #1, Watercolor
Along the Way #2, Watercolor 
 Mountian Village, Watercolor

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